Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Real Life formula for losing weight and keeping it off

Dennis Hardy ND

1. Focus on food choices rather than counting calories. It is interesting to note that the average person in China consumes 30% more calories and a pound more food every day than the average American, yet most Chinese people do not have a weight problem. It’s because of the types of food they eat.

2. Eat more nutrient-dense foods. This means consuming a diet rich in fresh raw fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, nuts and seeds. In fact, the majority of your diet should consist of plant-based food.
Chew your food at least 15 times. This allows digestion to occur and increases awareness of the amount of food you are eating.

3. Increase exercise. Exercise elevates the metabolism long after the activity is completed, and helps to burn fat and build lean muscle mass. A lean body burns more calories while resting than a fat body does!.
Do something fun. Instead of thinking of exercise as a chore, select an activity that you truly enjoy Use the mall as an opportunity to walk around a lot. Walking at a brisk pace while swinging and bending the arms is a very good low impact exercise. start at two minutes a day, and every three days add two minutes until you are walking twenty minutes a day. walking lowers your chance of heart attack and heart disease by 50%, and lowers you risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, and colon cancer by 30%.
Exercise promotes physical strength and mental vigor and strengthens will power and self control leading to harmonious development of the whole you.
Exercise increases calorie output. The body fat can be reduced by regular exercise. Up to 15 hours after exercise, the body continues to burn calories at a higher rate than it would have without exercise. Moderate physical exercise reduces fat and lower cholesterol levels.

4. Pay attention to the ingredients in the packaged foods you buy. You’ll be surprised at how much sugar and other processed ingredients are in some of your favorite foods. When possible, try to avoid the following foods
Fried food
Table salt (sea salt is ok in moderation)
Cows milk (soy milk and goat milk are ok)
White flour (use whole grain or multi grain)
Foods with additives or preservatives
No red meat or pork (chicken and fish are ok) The portion of the fish and chicken you have should be about the size of the palm of your hand
No white sugar (use honey)

5. Make sure that your changes are gradual and permanent. Don’t start anything today that you can’t continue for a lifetime.

6. Have nine servings of vegetables and fruit a day

7. Drink twelve 8oz glasses of spring, or filtered water a day. Drinking six glasses of water a day can help you to lose one pound more fat per week.

8. Get a least 7 hours sleep every night

9. Learn to make healthier meals at home. Buy a new cookbook and try some new recipes and ingredients

10. Have one 8oz glass of grape juice every day. Grape juice cleans and heals the arteries and vanes.
11. Pile your sandwiches with lettuce, watercress, cucumber rounds, diced carrots, sprouts and green pepper strips for added crunch and volume.

12. Alpha-lipoic acid - 200 mg a day

13. Black Walnut 3 capsules 3 times a day

14. Chromium picolinate 200 mcg a day

15. Coenzyme Q 10 100 mg a day

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