We all aware about the importance of aloe-vera plant in the treatment of certain ailments and diseases. Aloe-vera have also been described as multi-purpose herbal plant which is commanding high respect and attention in many pharmaceutical companies today. Its importance cannot be overruled in the production of confectioneries as well as in the production of skin cream and other anti-fungal, anti-bacteria dermal lotions.
However, various studies have also confirmed other uses of the plant for different purposes. For instance, recent research study by scientists as documented in the Journal of the Medicinal Association of Thailand revealed other important things aloe-vera can be used for. These include;
•Burn/wound treatment - Aloe-vera is a very effective treatment for burn wounds. 27 patients with moderate burn wounds were treated with a gauze coated in either aloe gel or petroleum jelly. It was discovered that the burns healed more quickly in the aloe group, with an average healing time of twelve days compared to eighteen days for the group, with an average healing time of twelve days compared to eighteen days for the group using petroleum jelly.
•Reduces/minimises frostbite damage. Aloe-vera effectiveness in the treatment of frost bite damage was established when researchers gave standard treatment for frostbite damage (antibiotics, ibuprofen, and rewarming) to 154 patients with mild to severe frostbite. Of patients who received additional aloe vera cream, 67.9 per cent healed without any tissue loss, that is, amputation compared to 32.7 per cent in the control group. Researcher however concluded that aloe-prevented a decrease of blood flow to the frozen tissue, which is a common cause of tissue loss in frostbite. This result is documented in the Annals of Emergency Medicine.
•Positive effects on radiation:- Aloe-vera screens out radiation and protect against skin damage from X-rays. Going by the report of researchers at Hoshi University in Japan published in the journal Yakugaku Zasshi, the researcher found that aloe-vera was an effective anti-oxidant, mopping up the free radicals caused by radiation. It was also discovered that aloe-vera also protected two of the body’s healing substances, superoxide dismutase an antioxidant enzyme, and glutathione - an amino-acid which stimulates the immune system.
•Protection against lung cancer - Aloe can be described as the only plant that can protect against cancer. Aloe-vera protective effect was confirmed in a study of 673 lung cancer patients in Okinawa , Japan , and the result of the study was published in the Japanese Journal of Cancer Research. The study looked at the connection between smoking, comparative amounts of 17 plants foods in the diets and the occurrence of lung cancer over a five-year period. At the end of the study, aloe was found to be the only plants food that have protective properties against cancer. The result of plant epidemiology suggests that aloe vera prevents human pulmonary carcinogenesis that is, lung cancer. The plant is also “widely preventive or suppressive against various human cancers”, the researchers reported.
•Sooth intestinal problems - Aloe-vera juice can also be used to treat inflammatory bowel disease. There is a study documented in the Journal of Alternative Medicine in which ten patients were given two ounces of aloe juice, three times daily, for seven days. The result of the study shows that after one week, all patients were cured of diarrhoea, four had improved bowel regularity, and three reported increased energy. The researcher then concluded that aloe-vera was able to rebalance the intestines by “regulating gastrointestinal PH, while also increased stool specific gravity, and reduced populations of certain faecae micro-organisms; including yeast. More studies conducted by scientist have also shown that aloe-vera juice can help to detoxify the bowel, neutralises stomach acidity and as well relieve constipation and gastric ulcers.
It stablises blood sugar in diabetes body, and also have the ability of reducing blood sugar levels in diabetes patients. A report credited to Hormone Research shows that five patients with adult who were non-insulin dependent diabetics were given half a teaspoon of aloe vera extract daily for up to fourteen weeks. Blood sugar levels of the patients were reduced by an average of 45 per cent, with no change in their total weight.
Aloe-vera drink or beverages it should be noted also help to meet daily water quota. Aloe-vera beverages contains the organic nutrients found in the aloe-vera plant. The beverage have the ability of soothing digestive system, assist the natural self-cleansing actions of the body. This beneficial properties of aloe-vera drink also promote good health.
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