Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Disease Treatment Protocol

Dennis Hardy ND

With all diseases or illnesses there is a set of rules that apply to every one of them, these rules also apply to trauma cases after the emergency has past and the patient is out of danger.

1. Open the elimination channels. The body must keep eliminating metabolic waste and the toxins from the body so they do not build up and put the already weakened body under more stress. If one or more of the elimination channels are not working correctly, the others must work harder to try to compensate to rid the body of waste. The four elimination channels are as follows.
A. The lungs; The lungs of an average adult should eliminate two pounds of waste a day. This is something we don't notice unless it is a cold day. Deep breathing will increase the efficiency of the lungs. Mullein is one of the best herbs for healthy lungs.

B. The bowel; The bowel of an average adult should eliminate two pounds of waste. You should have one bowel movement for each meal you eat. If you don't, you are constipated. Cathartic herbs, more fiber in the diet and yellow foods (natures' laxative color) will help correct this problem. If the situation is serious and the patient has not had a bowel movement in a day, you must use a rectal injection of strained catnip tea. A rectal injection bulb can be bought at the drug store. A rectal injection size for an adult is one cup, adjust the injection size for younger patients using the equation given for herbal dosage found on page 5. You must keep the bowel working.

C. The kidneys; The kidneys eliminate two pounds of waste a day in an average adult. Drinking plenty of distilled water (1oz of water for each pound of body weight, per day) will help keep the kidneys eliminating properly. If there is trouble voiding (suppression, pain, burning, bloody) use juniper berry and hydrangea at the proper dosage.

D. The skin; The skin is responsible for the elimination of two pounds of waste a day. If the patient is not perspiring freely, you must use a diaphoretic herb like yarrow to induce elimination. Dry skin brushing will help clean the pores which will aid elimination.
2. Clean the blood; once the elimination channels are open and functioning properly the blood can eliminate waste (that it has picked up from every cell in the body) into the four elimination channels to be taken out of the body. Red clover is a blood cleaning herb and yellow dock is a blood building herb, everyone sick or not would benefit from using these two herbs two weeks a year.

3. Move blood; Blood is the river of life, it baths every cell in the body. Blood takes nutrients to the cells and removes waste from the cells. Every disease in the body involves a deficient blood flow to the affected part of the body. A deficient blood supply means that part of the body is not getting the nutrients it needs to stay healthy and is not getting rid of metabolic waste products and therefore is can not resist disease or repair itself. You can put all the good herbs and food into your body you want to but if the blood can't get them to where they are needed they do you no good. Exercise will help increase circulation to the whole body. Hawthorn berry and devils claw are two herbs that will aid circulation and repair the circulatory system.

4. Rest; Get plenty of mental and physical rest when you are sick. your body can
respond to treatment better if well rested.

5. Get some sun; A reasonable amount of sun (start at one minute a day per side and increase by one minute a day per side until you are getting five minutes a day per side) with as few cloths on as possible (and no sun block) is very healing.

6. Eat a variety of natural food; Natural means food that is whole, pure and unprocessed

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