Saturday, August 20, 2011

Reversing Diabetes Naturally Type-2

Unusual thirst, frequent urination, general weakness, obesity, skin disorders, boils, blurred vision, and dry mouth. Not all these symptoms are present in every case. The normal blood sugar is 80-120 mg/dl., but can rise after a meal up to 150 mg/100 ml. of blood. When the blood sugar exceeds 180, it will spill over into the urine. To excrete the sugar, water is taken from the tissues causing frequent urination and increased thirst. The appetite is often increased because we are not fully utilizing the food we normally eat. If your blood sugar stays high for a long time, you may have a higher chance of diabetes complications such as heart attack, stroke, kidney damage, blindness, and amputations. Diabetes can lead to poor wound healing and higher risk of infections. Keeping your blood sugar at a good level might lower your chance of these problems.
When a person is having Type 2 diabetes, the body does not respond correctly to insulin. This is called insulin resistance. The pancreas makes enough insulin; but the body has trouble in using the insulin. As a result abnormally high levels of sugar build up in the blood. This is called hyperglycemia. High levels of blood sugar often trigger the pancreas to produce more and more insulin, but it is not enough to keep up with the body's demand. The Problem is in insulin receptors in the cell. Because the diabetic cannot utilize glucose for energy, he loses weight and is weakened by excess consumption of his protein and fat stores. Because of this, he may be very hungry and eat large amounts of food.
Some pople can develop Diabetic Mellitus as the result of stress, obesity, or pregnancy. Certain Medicational drugs can also cause it: oral contraceptives, adrenal corticosterioids, phenytoin, or thiazide diuretics. A diet high in sugar and white flour can lead to diabetes.
High Trans Fat Diet:
THE FAT SEALS OFF THE WINDOWS OF THE CELL. So when Insulin comes up with the sugar and tries to open with the other arm, it can't put the sugar where it needs to be, therefore, sugar builds up in the blood.
Refined Food or Chromium Deficiency:
Chromium's function in our bodies is critical: without it, the hormone insulin would not work. Its deficiency causes insulin resistance. Chromium administration has also been shown in several studies to lower glucose and insulin levels in patients with type 2 diabetes. Chromium is available in many natural foods (especially whole grains), but most of it is removed when foods are refined. The average American diet is lacking in chromium. At birth we have a good supply of chromium, but as we get older we gradually lose it if we do not eat properly. Many older individuals are deficient in chromium. Why is this happening? When refined sugar is eaten, it requires chromium to be utilized. If none is taken in with food, chromium from the body stores, if available, has to be used. Thus chromium is gradually depleted and sickness occurs.
Health risks in Drugs
Widely used diabetes drugs appear to increase patients' risk of potentially fatal heart problems, according to a study conducted by researchers from Imperial College London and published in the British Medical Journal. Researchers examined patient and prescription records to examine rates of heart failure, heart attack and death from any cause among 900,000 patients taking all different kinds of diabetes drugs. Amazingly, scientific studies have shown that you can avoid and even reverse diabetes with simple, easy-to-follow IN HEALTH lifestyle!
Inhale pure Air
Need exposure to Sunlight
Habituate Abstemiousness
Enjoy enough Rest
Always Exercise
Live on proper Diet
Take plenty of Water
Have Trust in divine power
Natural Remedies
"Pure air, sunlight, abstemiousness, rest, exercise, proper diet, the use of water, trust in divine power--these are the true remedies. Every person should have a knowledge of nature's remedial agencies and how to apply them."
Inhale Pure Air
In order to have good blood, we must breathe well. Full, deep inspirations of pure air, which fill the lungs with oxygen and purifies the blood. They impart to it a bright color and send it—a life-giving current—to every part of the body.
Develop a habit of deep breathing. Shallow breathing is a habit easily developed but harmful in its effects on the entire body. Many people only breathe "at the top of their lungs." Take full, deep inspirations of air. Do not just fill the top of your chest.
Need Exposure to Sunlight
It has been discovered that exposure to sunshine has an insulin-like effect on the body—it lowers the blood sugar. And it does it in exactly the right proportion. Those who have no diabetic problem experience almost no change in blood sugar, while diabetics have a striking lowering of it. It is now known that this lowering is caused by the fact that sunlight on the body causes glycogen (stored sugar) to be increased throughout the body, enabling the blood sugar to be lowered. Higher storage levels of glycogen result in more body energy for longer stretches of physical activity, with more endurance and less fatigue. (Warning: A diabetic taking sunbaths should try reducing his insulin intake, lest he inject too much.). Go in the sun for 15-20 minutes daily (During Exercise), when air is cool.
Habituate Abstemiousness
Stop eating sugar, white-flour products, greasy food, meat, eggs, cheese, excess vegetable oil, as well as rancid nuts and seeds. Avoid processed foods which contains lot hydrogenated fats and harmful chemicals. Totally avoid tobacco and alcohol those who use it. Because it restricts circulation, it will aggravate your condition.
But do not eat fruits and melons in large amounts. Do not eat apples or bananas. Do not Cows milk and refined sugar. Tea and Coffee can induce very high blood sugar levels. A fat-free diet will help reduce blood sugar. You can substitute cow's milk with Rice Milk, Almond Milk, Cashew Milk, Walnut Milk, Sesame seed Milk, etc. For sugar, use small amount of natural sweetner such as Honey, palm sugar, raisins, dates, jaggery.
Dont take artificial sweetner like NutraSweet, Equal Spoonful, Benevia, NatraTaste etc. It contains harmful neuro toxic chemical called Aspartame.
Enjoy Enough Rest
All enervating influences and habits must be corrected or removed. Sufficient rest for restoration of nerve energy is imperative. Rest is one of the most basic healers known to mankind. When you become sick, what is the first thing you do? You lie down in bed most of every day, as well as all the night, until you recover, because the restorative power of rest is the key to health. Every bodily power requires rest after exertion. One of the purposes of sleep is to repair losses and damage caused by work. Only those who use their muscles during the day in physical work can enjoy sweet sleep at night. If you are a sedentary worker, then in the evening spend atleast 20 to 30 minutes physical exercise like walking. Dont Watch TV just before you go to bed. Listen to some melodious music.Regularity is important for good sleep patterns. Go to bed at the same time and arise at same time. Go to Bed at 9.00 pm or 9.30 pm.
Always Exercise
Get enough exercise; It will improve the circulation, which is always poor in diabetics. This will also lower the blood sugar level. Exercise twice a day, every day. Exercise is insulin's best friend. It moves the sugar out of the blood stream into the cells. Walking is one of the simplest and best exercises. Go outdoors into the open air and walk. Leave all your cares behind you and briskly set off with your arms swinging. Take deep breaths of air as you go. Go for a small walk for 5 to 10 minutes after each meal. Remember 1 hour of walking = 5 units of insulin.
Live on Proper Diet
Eat smaller meals (if necessary, eat them more frequently), and chew the food thoroughly. Do not eat late in the evening. Overeating can induce diabetes or increase it, once contracted.
Vegetable broths and fresh fruit are nourishing. A high-carbohydrate, high-fiber diet will reduce the need for insulin. (A low-fiber diet can bring on diabetes.) It will also lower the amount of fat in the blood. Get your protein from vegetable sources.
Onions and green beans appear to lower blood sugar. A diet high in raw food is also helpful. One individual dropped his insulin dosage from 60 to 15 units per day, by increasing his raw food intake.
Eat raw garlic every day, to reduce your blood sugar. Add raw garlic and onions in your salads.
Flax Seed Oil: Alpha-linolenic acid (Omega-3) helps maintaining healthy cell memberanes, so they are able to contain larger numbers of insulin receptors. Flaxseed oil is the excellent source of omega-3 (2-4 Tbsp daily).
Fenugreek seeds are very useful in diabetes. Soak about 90 -100 seeds in 250 grams of water and leave it overnight. Mash them in the morning and sieve in a cloth and drink mixture regularly. Use for at least 2 months to cure diabetes. Good Home Remedy for Diabetes.
Turnip: There was a patient who was a diabetic, and his levels were normally within range, but one day his sugar was in the 400's... we were very much worried for him, but he told us not to worry about it. He went and got a raw turnip, started slicing it thinly and eating it. Within 30 minutes, his sugar levels were around 180
Bitter Gourd Juice For Diabetics
Bitter Gourd contains a hypoglycemic substance which helps in lowering blood and urine sugar levels.Intake of bitter gourd in any form will be of immense help in controlling the blood sugar level.
Half piece of bitter gourd.
Half lemon.
A pinch of salt.
Half teaspoon turmeric powder
Wash the bitter gourd thoroughly.
Cut it into small pieces.
Soak the cut pieces in water with little salt and half teaspoon turmeric powder for 15 minutes
Remove the pieces from the water and grind it in the mixer with enough water.
Remove the fibres by passing the juice through sieve.
Add lemon juice and stir well.
Drink the juice in the morning on empty stomach daily.
Some Quick Tips
Soak the pieces in water with little salt and turmeric powder for 15 minutes to remove the bitter taste Instead of lime amla can also be used along with bitter gourd.
Take Plenty of Water
When you do not drink enough water, your blood thickens and flows with greater difficulty. This can cause trouble not only in your body tissues and organs, but also to your heart that must pump that sludged blood. So many people eat far too much salt, sugar, and protein, yet each of these substances requires additional water to process. Type 2 diabetes as a complication of dehydration will, in time, cause massive damage to the blood vessels all over the body. Hence adequate water in circulation is very important for all body cells. Drink pure, soft water. Distilled water is the best and next best is reverse osmosis water. But drink whatever water you have. Tap water is better than no water. It is generally recommended that we drink 8 glasses of water a day. But it is best if you not drink it with your meals, but between them. The very best times for water drinking is first thing upon arising in the morning, and then One or two warm glasses of water 30 minutes or so before each meal. about a half hour before breakfast will help cleanse the stomach and sharpen the appetite. Dont not drink water with your meals. It will dilute your digestive juices. Drink one hour after the meals and 3o minutes before the meals.
Water formula
50ml per kg of body weight per day. For example: 60kg x 50ml = 3000ml = 3Liters of water. The amount of water depends on your body weight. When your weight increases, increase your water intake and when your weight reduces, reduce the water intake.
Have Trust in Divine Power
Emotional stress plays a role in the etiology of type 2 diabetes mellitus. You must learn to take the problems which you cannot handle, to God, (The Greatest Healer Of All Time). No one cannot hold anger, hate, selfishness, etc. Only through the power of God you have a peaceful mind. The mind greatly affects the healing process of your body. 90% of all sickness starts in the mind. This is the only way to manage stress.
1. Remember that God is the true Healer
2. Trusting God every moment brings joy, peace, hope and happiness in life.
3. Every day in the morning, commit all your plans to God in prayer.
4. Share every thing to God in prayer.
5. Study God’s word every day. Especially in the morning. This will ennoble you mind and character.
6. Before going to bed, share all your day’s experience with God.
7. God is our Creator. He loves you with a love that surpasses human comprehension.
8. God will forgive your sins and give power to forgive others who sinned against you.

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