These herbs for kidney cleanse can help heal the urinary tract, increase the flow of urine which in turn helps remove waste products, and some provide an antiseptic and antibiotic effect that it local to the kidneys.
Some have been proven to rid the body faster of waste products like urea.
Function of the kidneys
The kidneys get rid of the by products of the breakdown of protein. These include ammonia and urea, which are toxic. They also excrete some bacterial toxins, hydrogen, electrolytes, heat, and carbon dioxide.
The kidneys have several other important functions. These include regulating the amounts of solutes and ions are in the blood, which helps control blood pH, and blood volume. They also remove wastes from the blood, and secrete the enzyme, renin. Renin activates the renin-angiotensin pathway and hence controls blood pressure.
The kidneys are also involved in producing glucose when the body is fasting or starving. They secrete a substance which stimulates the production of red blood cells. They are also involved in the creation of the active form of vitamin D, calcitriol.
Water is reabsorbed by parts of the kidneys to make sure we don't lose too much fluid. Hormones are the main deciders in how much water is reabsorbed. When we are over-hydrated (or drink alcohol), the main hormones involved are suppressed to make sure we get rid of some of the excess water. And when we are dehydrated, more are produced so we reabsorb more water.
Traditional Herbalism
Herbs for Kidney Cleanse - Diuretics
Traditionally, herbal diuretics have been used in many conditions, including high blood pressure, fluid retention, inflammatory conditions like arthritis, urinary stones, and infections of the urinary tract like cystitis.
Herbal diuretics have a very gentle effect, and generally work by an osmotic effect. When things are excreted from the urine, they take water with them, and this osmotic process is how herbal diuretics work. Medical diuretics usually effect the actual pumps that reabsorb water, so it's quite a different process.
Herbal diuretics tend to have a stronger effect on people with the types of conditions mentioned above, and overall, their effect on the individual varies.
Traditional herbalism believes that some herbs are more effective at increasing the removal of wastes. This may be true, but there is just not enough scientific evidence to validate it comprehensively. But diuretics will increase urine - whether that means more wastes excreted, or urine with more water.
Herbs for Kidney Cleanse - the Urinary Tract
Herbal diuretics can benefit urinary problems by producing a more dilute urine that reduces irritation.
But herbal diuretics are not the only type of kidney herbs used here. Urinary antiseptics, and herbs that can heal the mucous lining of the urinary tract, are also useful depending on the problem. These herbs help by repairing and keeping smooth the urinary tract so that solutes and insoluble salts don't form stones by being deposited on the urinary tract wall.
6 Herbs For Kidney Cleanse
The following herbs have different, but all beneficial, effects on the kidney and urinary system. Some are very nutritious, some help reduce inflammation and promote healing of the urinary tract, whilst others are antibacterial, antiseptic, and increase the removal of waste products specifically. Most have a diuretic effect.
Herbs For Kidney Cleanse - Couch grass
Couch grass is a diuretic and the mucilage helps soothe an inflamed and irritated urinary tract. It also helps heal the urinary tract.
Couch grass increases the amount of urine by the osmotic process. It has some active constituents with an antibiotic effect, and can be used in gout and rheumatism. It is also used in cystitis, prostatitis, nephritis, calculus (stones), urethritis, and benign prostatic hypertrophy.
Herbs For Kidney Cleanse - Uva Ursi (Bearberry)
Uva ursi is a urinary antiseptic, and an astringent herb. It has an antibacterial effect on the kidney, that is effective against e. coli, proteus, klebsiella, staphyloccocus, and pseudomonas. The antibacterial effect is at its strongest 3 to 4 hours after taking the herb, as some of the active constituents are converted in the kidneys to activate the antiseptic effect.
Uva ursi is used in cystitis, urethritis, prostatitis and dysuria. But it is not to be used in kidney diseases, or if the infection has progressed up the urinary tract.
Herbs For Kidney Cleanse - Horsetail
Horsetail is high in silica, and is used as an astringent in the genito-urinary tract. It is also a diuretic. It has been found to reduce the levels of lead in the body, and there is "evidence of an anti-rheumatic effect and a positive effect on lipid [fat] metabolism". (Fisher and Painter)
The increased volume of urine helps flush out irritants and infectious agents. The astringent action may help with bladder tone and the reduction of prostate enlargement. The high levels of silica help with tissue repair.
Horsetail is used in cystitis, prostatitis, prostatic enlargement, incontinence, edema with menopause or arthritis, and urethritis. It helps prevent damage to the ureters, bladder, and urethra, and the prostate.
Herbs For Kidney Cleanse - Parsley
Parsley is an excellent diuretic and as such it is used for edema and urinary stones. It is believed to increase the elimination of waste products like urea, and other acidic metabolites, and thus used for gout and arthritis. Parsley should not be used in pregnancy, nor is it recommended in painful menstrual periods. It is fine for nursing mothers, however, and is believed to encourage milk production. Fresh parsley is very nutritious.
Herbs For Kidney Cleanse - Nettle
Nettle is highly nutritious, with vitamins and minerals including chlorophyll and beta carotene, vitamins A, B2, C and E, calcium, potassium, and iron.
Nettle has been proven to increase the elimination of the waste product, uric acid. It is a diuretic, and has been found successful in managing the symptoms of benign prostatic hypertrophy, particularly in combination with saw palmetto.
Nettle has an antibacterial effect, and has been found to be effective against staphylococci and other bacteria. It is useful in arthritis and rheumatic problems because it helps get rid of metabolic wastes. It is also used in chronic cystitis.
Herbs For Kidney Cleanse - Corn Silk
Corn silk has a lot of vitamin K and potassium. It is used for acute or chronic inflammation of the urinary tract, cystitis, prostatitis, night time urination, and urethritis. Corn silk is not a well studied herb, but it is a diuretic. In China, it is used for edema. It also has antiseptic properties, and is soothing to the urinary tract.
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