Diet is one channel through which blood lipid levels can be modified. Lately, soy has received special attention, in particular soy proteins and soy "isoflavones" -- estrogen-like plant compounds whose effects are still controversial -- according to lead author Alison Duncan, from the
"There is evidence to suggest that soy reduces lipid levels in various samples of humans, but it hasn't really been looked at in people that are health! y,"
As described in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the study included 35 healthy men about 28 years old, who took three different supplements for periods of eight weeks: "regular" milk proteins, soy proteins with low isoflavone content, and soy with high isoflavone content.
The different supplements were given in a random order, each separated by a one-month break, to insure the sequence didn't influence the findings, according to Duncan.The researchers collected blood samples to measure levels of different lipids.
Ratios of total cholesterol to HDL ("good") cholesterol and LDL ("bad") cholesterol to HDL were significantly lower with both soy supplements, compared to the regular ! milk protein. "Isoflavone doesn't seem to influence the outcomes,"
Levels of other blood lipids were also modified in a favorable way in this group of young subjects. "It's never too early to start to try to prevent cardiovascular diseases,"
SOURCE: American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, February 28, 2006.
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Soy Formula May Stunt the Intestinal Growth in Your Baby
Concerns regarding the safety of soy formula were raised after two studies revealed that the amounts of soy isoflavone genistein, a chemical found in commercial soy formulas, might inhibit the intestinal growth in babies. There is a great deal of merit surrounding this concern, particularly because nearly 25 percent of formula-fed babies in the
Commercial soy formulas contain anywhere from 32 to 45 milligrams of genistein. These concentration levels exceed the amount found to affect menstrual cycles in women. Since formula is the only source of nutrition for infants during their first four to six months of life, a period in which several critical organ systems are developing, researchers were motivated to study the possible effects of genistein.
Two Soy Studies Show Same Results -- Slowing of Cell Reproduction
The first study involving the treatment of intestinal cells in culture with genistein that included the same amount found in soy formula showed that the cells ceased to grow. One researcher did point out that the actions observed in cells in culture might not be the same as those in infants.
The second study was made up of two groups of piglets: one group was fed cow's milk-based formula and the other was given formula supplemented with genistein at the amount it is found in soy formula.
It was discovered that the piglets given the genisten formula displayed 50 percent less proliferating cells in the intestine over the group that was fed solely the cow's milk formula. Because the metabolism and physiology of newborn pigs is so similar to human infants, researchers believe these results could be applied to infants.
Researchers of the study cautioned that although the soy formulas might appear to be safe based on some clinical data, these above studies show that it might not come without side effects.
Pediatric Research December 7, 2004. DOI: 10.1203/01.PDR.0000150723.87976.32
Science Daily December 27, 2004
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