Sunday, January 23, 2011

Africa's super herb: Cayenne

Botanical: Capsicum minimum (ROXB.)
Family: N.O. Solanaceae
Medicinal Action and Uses Doses
---Synonyms---African Pepper. Chillies. Bird Pepper.
---Part Used---Fruit, ripe and dried.
---Habitat---Zanzibar - but now grown in most tropical and sub-tropical countries

---Description---Cayenne or Capsicum derives its name from the Greek, 'to bite,' in allusion to the hot pungent properties of the fruits and seeds. Cayenne pepper was introduced into Britain from India in 1548, and Gerard mentioned it as being cultivated in his time. The plant was described by Linnaeus under the name of C. frutescens proper. This species appeared in Miller's Garden Dictionary in 1771. It is a shrubby perennial plant 2 to 6 feet high. Branches angular, usually enlarged and slightly purple at the nodes; petioles medium; peduncles slender, often in pairs, and longer than the fruit; calyx cup-shaped, clasping base of fruit which is red, ovate, and long; seeds small and flat, from ten to twenty-nine. The cuticle of the pericarp is uniformly striated and in this particular is distinct from other species. Taste very pungent and smell characteristic. It is difficult to determine the source of true powdered Capsicum, as the colour is affected by light, so that it should always be kept in dark receptacles. African pepper is generally light brownish-yellow colour and very pungent; its pungency appears to depend on a principle called Capsicin. Cayenne is sometimes adulterated with oxide of red lead, which may be detected by digesting in dilute nitric acid. Other adulterants are coloured sawdust which can be found by the aid of the microscope. The British Pharmacopceia requires that capsicum should yield not more than 6 per cent of ash, and this test detects the presence of most adulterants.

---Constituents---Capsaicin, a red colouring matter, oleic, palmitic and stearic acids.

---Medicinal Action and Uses---A powerful local stimulant, with no narcotic effect largely used in hot climates as a condiment, and most useful in atony of the intestines and stomach. It should not be used in ordinary gastric catarrh. For persons addicted to drink it seems to be useful possibly by reducing the dilated blood-vessels and thus relieving chronic congestion. It is often added to tonics and is said to be unequalled for warding off diseases. Herbalists use it largely in pill form and powdered. Externally it is a strong rubefacient and acts gently with no danger of vesication; is applied as a cataplasm or as a liniment; it can be mixed with 10 to 20 per cent of cotton-seed oil. The powder or the tincture is beneficial for relaxed uvula. A preparation in use in the West Indies called Mandram, for weak digestion and loss of appetite, is made of thinly sliced and unskinned cucumbers, shallots, chives, or onions, lemon or lime juice, Madeira, and a few pods of bird pepper well mashed up in the liquids. It can be used as a chutney.

---Doses---For a gargle: 1/2 drachm of powder to 1 pint of boiling water, or 1/2 fluid ounce of the tincture to 8 fluid ounces of rose water. If the throat is very sensitive it can be given in pill form - generally made with 1 to 10 grains powder. The infusion is made with 2 drachms to 1/2 pint boiling water taken in 1/2 fluid ounce doses. The tincture is used as a paint for chilblains.

The following is an excerpt from the Complete Handbook of Cayenne Home Remedies by Dr. Patrick Quillin, Director of the Rational Healing Institute he has a doctorate degree in nutrition and is a Registered and Licensed DIetitian (RD & LD) and Certified Nutrition Specialist with the American College of Nutrition.

It's known to STOP a Heart Attack, lower blood sugar in diabetics, normalize Blood Pressure, STOP bleeding in seconds, improve circulation, prevent Motion Sickness - even HALT the Common Cold!

Cayenne Pepper has been prized for 1000s of years for it's healing power. Folklore from around the world recounts AMAZING results, using Cayenne Pepper in simple healing and in baffling health problems. But Cayenne Pepper is NOT just a HEALER from Ancient History. Recent Clinical Studies have been conducted on many of the old-time Health Applications for this MIRACLE Herb! Again and again, the therapeutic value of Cayenne Pepper has been medically VALIDATED!

Scientific evidence also indicates that Cayenne Pepper can be EFFECTIVE in treating Allergies, Indigestion, Abcesses, Tonsilitis, Kidney Problems, Sore Muscles, Nose Bleeds, Brusitis, Posoriasis, Shingles, Night Blindness and much MORE!

It's LIFE-SAVING action is SIMPLE! Cayenne Pepper stimulates Blood Circulation. In Disease, there is a LACK of Circulation or a LACK of FRESH Blood, especially to the area, that is sick or diseased. In other words, accelerating Blood Flow SPEEDS Healing and can have a POSITIVE effect of Vision, Thinking and Memory.

Compiled And Edited By Tom Harrelson

CAYENNE is a POWERFUL and PURE Stimulant, having NO Narcotic Effect, increasing the POWER of the Pulse and carrying the Blood to ALL parts of the Body, plus EQUALIZING and RESTORING the BALANCE of Circulation throughout the Body! Cayenne is a Hemostat, ARRESTING the flow of Blood from a Cut or Wound in SECONDS and a Cardiac Tonic, HELPING to REBUILD the Heart. It is an Antiseptic, KILLING Pathogens and a Counter-Irritant, helping to RELIEVE Pain. And Cayenne is a Stomachic, HELPING to DIGEST Foods and a Carminative, HELPING to EXPEL Gas. CAYENNE PEPPER IS DR. SCHULZE'S NO. 1 EMERGENCY HERB!

The BEST Cayenne Pepper Tincture is made by the following Dr. Schulze Method:
1. Start to make this and ANY Tincture, if possible, on a NEW Moon.
2. Take a Quart Canning Jar and fill it 1/4 FULL with DRIED Cayenne Peppers, getting the HOTTEST ones (i.e. - Habanero, African Bird, Serrano, Jalapeno - 90,000+ Heat Units), that you can obtain.
3. Add enough 50% Grain Alcohol (100 Proof Vodka) to the Cayenne Peppers (powdered, using a Blender or Grinder) to just COVER them.
4. Use enough FRESH Cayenne Peppers, that you can blend with 50% Grain Alcohol (100 Proof Vodka) to turn the Mixture into an Apple Sauce-Like Consistency.
5. Add this Mixture to the 1st Mixture, filling up the Canning Jar 3/4 FULL.
6. Fill up the rest of the Canning Jar with MORE 50% Grain Alcohol (100 Proof Vodka).
7. Shake it as MANY times as possible, during the Day.
8. Let this Mixture sit, until the following FULL Moon (15-16 Days), but OPTIMALLY until the following NEW Moon (28-29 Days)!
9. Strain this Mixture through an UNBLEACHED Coffee Filter.
10. Bottle the RESULTING Tincture.

NOTE: Part EQUALS Volume, NOT Weight in this Tincture Method. Modify this procedure by using DRIED Herbs ONLY, if FRESH Herbs are NOT AVAILABLE, and when making other Herbal Tinctures also. Also if you want to make a SUPER-POTENT Tincture (i.e. - Cayenne Pepper & Lobelia Seed Pod - see below), then allow the Mixture to sit for a FULL 3 Months!

NOTE: In the following Steps of this Section, "Dropperfuls" or "tsp." are referring to Cayenne Pepper Tincture, unless otherwise noted. SUBSTITUTE Cayenne Pepper Powder (250,000 Heat Units or above - Habanero, African Bird, Serrano, Jalapeno), if Cayenne Pepper Tincture is NOT AVAILABLE. 1 HEAPING Tablespoon added to an 8 oz. Glass of PURE Water is EQUAL to 5 Dropperfuls of Tincture. 1 Dropperful EQUALS 30 Drops.

If you're working with an UNCONSCIOUS Person, you must be CAREFUL, when putting the Dropperfuls into the Mouth, so that you do NOT CHOKE or DROWN this Person, but then even if he/she GAGS a little, you are SAVING his/her LIFE!! The above recommendations for a Heart Attack came from Dr. Richard Schulze, M.H., N.D., who saw MANY MIRACLES with his Methods!

If a Person has SERIOUS EXTERNAL BLEEDING (Cuts, Wounds, & Childbirth Hemorrhage/Tear), you must:
1. LIBERALLY FLUSH the AFFECTED Area with 10 - 20 Dropperfuls of Cayenne Pepper Tincture IMMEDIATELY or PACK the Area with Cayenne Pepper Powder, if the Cayenne Pepper Tincture is NOT AVAILABLE!
2. Give 1 - 3 Dropperfuls of Cayenne Pepper Tincture ORALLY also.
3. If Echinacea Plus Tincture is AVAILABLE, FLUSH the AFFECTED Area with 10 - 20 Dropperfuls.
4. Apply Pressure to a Cut/Wound/Tear or use Arterial Pressure.
5. Tape the Cut/Wound/Tear together.
6. Apply Aloe Vera Gel to the AFFECTED Area on the following day.
7. If Pain is involved, then give 5 - 60 Drops 3 - 4 times daily of an EQUAL amount of Valerian Root Tincture to the Lobelia Seed Pod Tincture.
8. If OPEN SORES or WOUNDS are NOT HEALING, apply Slippery Elm Gruel over the AFFECTED Area each day, until desired RESULTS are achieved.

If a Person has SERIOUS INTERNAL BLEEDING (Ulcers, Hemorraghes), you must:
1. Give 1/8 tsp. of Cayenne Pepper Tincture - 8 times per day.
2. And then WORK your way up to taking 1 tsp. of Cayenne Pepper Tincture - 3 times per day.

If a Woman has a HEAVY MENSTRUAL FLOW, you must:
1. Give/take 1 - 3 Dropperfuls of Cayenne Pepper Tincture ORALLY.
2. If Pain is involved, then give 5 - 60 Drops 3 - 4 times daily of an EQUAL amount of Valerian Root Tincture to the Lobelia Seed Pod Tincture.

If a Person has STOPPED BREATHING and is CONSCIOUS, you must:
1. IMMEDIATELY Check Airway and Pulse!
2. Start Mouth-to-Mouth Resuscitation.
3. Give 5 - 10 Dropperfuls of Cayenne Pepper Tincture DIRECTLY into the Mouth, HELPING the Person to REVIVE!
4. Give 2 - 10 Dropperfuls of Lobelia Seed Pod Tincture or MORE, HELPING the Person to BREATHE EASIER, OPEN UP their AIRWAY and RELAX!.
5. REPEAT Dosages of BOTH Tinctures, ALTERNATING each EVERY 5 minutes.

If a Person has STOPPED BREATHING and is NOT CONSCIOUS, you must:
1. IMMEDIATELY Check Airway and Pulse!
2. Start Mouth-to-Mouth Resuscitation!
3. Give 1 - 2 Dropperfuls of Cayenne Pepper Tincture DIRECTLY into the Mouth, HELPING the Person to REVIVE!
4. Give 1 - 2 Dropperfuls of Lobelia Seed Pod Tincture or MORE, HELPING the Person to BREATHE EASIER, OPEN UP their AIRWAY and RELAX!.
5. REPEAT Dosages of BOTH Tinctures, ALTERNATING each EVERY 5 minutes.

If a Person has SMOKE INHALATION and is NOT or BARELY CONSCIOUS, you must:
1. IMMEDIATELY Start First-Aid Treatment for Smoke Inhalation!
2. Give 1 - 2 Dropperfuls of Cayenne Pepper Tincture DIRECTLY into the Mouth, HELPING the Person to REVIVE!
3. Give 1 - 2 Dropperfuls of Lobelia Seed Pod Tincture or MORE, HELPING the Person to BREATHE EASIER, OPEN UP their AIRWAY and RELAX!.
4. REPEAT Dosages of BOTH Tinctures, ALTERNATING each EVERY 5 minutes.

If a Person has a HEART ATTACK (Angina Pectoris) and is CONSCIOUS, you must:
1. IMMEDIATELY give 5 - 10 Dropperfuls of Cayenne Pepper Tincture DIRECTLY into the Mouth!
2. Sit/lay the Person down and LOOSEN Clothing.
3. REPEAT the Cayenne Pepper Tincture Dosage in 5 minutes and, if you have it, 4. Give an EQUAL amount of Dr. Schulze's Heart Formula Tincture (1 Part - Cayenne & 3 Parts - Hawthorn Berry).
5. REPEAT Dosages of BOTH Tinctures, ALTERNATING each EVERY 5 minutes.
6. Continue this Treatment, until the desired RESULTS are achieved.

If a Person has a HEART ATTACK (Angina Pectoris) and is NOT CONSCIOUS, you must:
1. IMMEDIATELY give 1 - 3 Dropperfuls of Cayenne Pepper Tincture DIRECTLY into the Mouth!
2. Check Pulse and Breathing.
4. REPEAT Dosage in 5 minutes and, if you have it,
5. Give an EQUAL amount of Dr. Schulze's Heart Formula Tincture (1 Part - Cayenne & 3 Parts - Hawthorn Berry).
6. REPEAT Dosages of BOTH Tinctures, ALTERNATING each EVERY 5 minutes.
7. Continue this Treatment, until the desired RESULTS are achieved.

If a Person has a STROKE and is CONSCIOUS, you must:
1. IMMEDIATELY give 5 - 10 Dropperfuls DIRECTLY into the Mouth!
2. Sit/lay the Person down and LOOSEN Clothing.
3. REPEAT the Cayenne Pepper Tincture Dosage in 5 minutes and, if you have it,
4. Give an EQUAL amount of Dr. Schulze's Heart Formula Tincture (1 Part - Cayenne & 3 Parts - Hawthorn Berry).
5. REPEAT Dosages of BOTH Tinctures, ALTERNATING each EVERY 5 minutes.
6. Continue this Treatment, until the desired RESULTS are achieved.

If a Person has a STROKE and is NOT CONSCIOUS, you must:
1. IMMEDIATELY give 1 - 3 Dropperfuls DIRECTLY into the Mouth!
2. Check Pulse and Breathing.
3. Start C.P.R.!
4. REPEAT Dosage in 5 minutes and, if you have it,
5. Give an EQUAL amount of Dr. Schulze's Brain Formula Tincture.
6. REPEAT Dosages of BOTH Tinctures, ALTERNATING each EVERY 5 minutes.
7. Continue this Treatment, until the desired RESULTS are achieved.

If a Person has General Circulation &/or Blood Pressure Problems, they should:
1. Change the Tincture Formula above to 2 parts - Garlic, 1 part - Ginger Root, and 1 part - Cayenne Pepper.
2. Take 1/8 tsp. - 4 times per Day.
3. Work their way up to taking 1 tsp. - twice per day.

If a Person has Heart Problems, they should:
1. Change the Tincture Formula above to 3 parts - Hawthorn Berry and 1 part - Cayenne Pepper.
2. Take 1/8 tsp. - 4 times per Day.
3. Work their way up to taking 1 tsp. - twice per day.

If a Person has DROWNED, you must:
1. IMMEDIATELY Start First-Aid Treatment for Drowning!
2. Give 1 - 2 Dropperfuls of Cayenne Pepper Tincture DIRECTLY into the Mouth, HELPING the Person to REVIVE!
3. Give 1 - 2 Dropperfuls of Lobelia Seed Pod Tincture or MORE, HELPING the Person to BREATHE EASIER, OPEN UP their AIRWAY and RELAX!.
4. REPEAT Dosages of BOTH Tinctures, ALTERNATING each EVERY 5 minutes.

If a Person has a MIGRAINE Headache, you must:
1. Give 5 - 10 Dropperfuls of Cayenne Pepper Tincture at ONCE!
2. But if Step 1 does NOT WORK after 1/2 hr., then mix an EQUAL amount of Valerian Root Tincture and Lobelia Seed Pod Tincture together.
3. Give 5 - 10 Dropperfuls of this Tincture Blend at ONCE!
4. Give 3 - 4 Glasses of PURE Water with a pinch of Sea Salt in a SHORT period of time.
5. Continue this Treatment, until the desired RESULTS are achieved.

CAYENNE, acting as a Counter-Irritant, plus the Oil as an Emollient, work DEEP into Tissue to RELIEVE Pain, Sweliing and Inflammation. It can also be used for Stiffness in Joints, Tendons, Ligaments and Muscles for Health Problems, including Arthritis, Bursitis, Lumbago, or ANY Muscle or Bone Pain.

Cayenne Pepper Oil is made by the following Method:
1. Start to make this Oil, if possible, on a NEW Moon.
2. Place 5 tbs. of Cayenne Pepper (HOTTEST - Habanero, African Bird, Serrano, Jalapeno) Powder into 20 oz. of RAW ORGANIC Jojoba Oil, Almond Oil or Olive Oil into a Glass Jar with a TIGHT lid and SHAKE EVERY Day.
3. PRESS and STRAIN OFF the Oil Mixture through Cheesecloth or Cotton Muslin Cloth on the following FULL Moon.
4. BOTTLE it.

If a Person has HEMORRHOIDS or INJURED Tissues, where the Skin is NOT broken, you must:
1. Take a HOT Bath or Shower.
2. Thoroughly RUB 1 or MORE Dropperfuls into the AFFECTED Area of the Skin for 15 minutes.
3. Alternate VERY HOT, then VERY COLD Water over the AFFECTED Area for 1 minute each for 7 - 10 times.
4. If Pain PERSISTS, give 5 - 60 Drops 3 - 4 times daily of an EQUAL amount of Valerian Root Tincture to the Lobelia Seed Pod Tincture.
5. Continue this Treatment, until the desired RESULTS are achieved.
NOTE: This Oil can be EXTREMELY HOT on Hemorrhoids, so start with a SMALL amount and work your way up to MORE! Do NOT apply this Oil on Broken Skin! SUBSTITUTE a HOT Water Bottle and an ICE Pack or Cubes, if VERY HOT and VERY COLD Water is NOT AVAILABLE!

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