Wednesday, May 10, 2017


Cancer is not what we physical see, the lumps, the growth, the discharge etc. Cancer is a system gone wrong. Cancer is a survival mechanism, a last option or move the body make in desperation to survive and buy more time. The problem with us is that we fail to read warning signals, we have lost our natural instinct as human and that is why when the body has sent all signals and warning and we refuse to listen it resort to cancer to get your attention as the the consequences of the body resorting to cancer can not just go unnoticed by any human. The pains and discomfort will make you now pay attention and seek help.
First of all what are the signals the body send and why? The human body is a system a close one, that's why we have skin all over the body, we have an entry point (where inputs go in) and an exit point ( where wastes and undesirables get out). If input is more than output then there will be generation and accumulation in the system which is our body. The input point constitute all the organs we use for ingesting food, water, air, bio and non bio chemicals such as lungs mouth skin. And the exist point are the organs we use to remove the used food, water, air, bio and non bio chemicals and other generated metabolic and non metabolic waste such as colon, kidney liver skin lungs.
Because of modern day lifestyle our input is now more of toxic chemicals from preservatives, additives in our food drinks and water, nutritionally imbalance processed foods. And now we eat them almost every minutes, we snack on them in our offices homes and relaxation centers. We now have accumulation rate that is far more than what our exit organs can bear as they are more of toxins/waste/chemicals than are food. So it goes that with our modern lifestyle comes a toxic load far more than any generation of humans ever born have ever bear.
Jethro Kloss an American author so worried about the alarming rate of cancer among peers, friends and family ventured out to know the cause, traveled to different countries. He discovered that while cancer is very prevalent in some countries others have very very low rate. Some who had low rate suddenly began to have a growing rate and he wandered why? He discovered that in the 70's, while the Western world who have already ventured into modern lifestyle were plague with cancer while the underdeveloped countries in Africa and Asia who subsistence on organic and locally grown foods with far less processing less chemicals drinks and junk foods had low rate of cancer. But immediately a country begin to adapt modern lifestyle that comes with increased toxic load cancer rate begin to rise as we see in our society today.
But how do toxicity increase leads to cancer? What are the body signs that I might be toxic and can develop cancer? Why will my body resort to cancer? How can I prevent my body from developing cancer. How can can I reduce my toxic load?
Why don't conventional method of treatment such as surgery, chemotherapy, radiation etc cure cancer? How can one reverse cancer naturally. These are the many questions we will be answering as we keep you posted