Monday, March 13, 2017

How we over burden our liver

Do you also know that the the major source of liver burden is from the gut? Yes the digestive track, though I know of the skin and respiratory system also. When we spray those nicely scented perfumes especially on those area where we sweat the most. if they are chemically synthesized they easily get absorbed into the bloodstream then straight to the liver to be filtered out. Also from our environment we now inhale toxic fumes of gases, lead chemicals and petrochemicals, nicotine etc. Even the simplest room freshener in our cars and homes if not organic and natural perfumes get inhaled into our bloodstream then straight to the liver to be filtered out also.
But the liver burden that never ceases to amaze me is not the many chemical drinks we take. Some we call them soft drinks or flavoured juices or their senior counterpart called alcohol with their many chemical additives, preservatives, stabilizers enhancers and colourants etc. All these move straight into the bloodstream then straight to the liver to be filtered out adding so much extra burden that can even damage liver cells.
But have you ever wondered where the viruses and bacteria that plague our liver today comes from? Are you diagnosed with any of the liver viruses? Do you know that the digestive track is the breading ground for them? Yes our lifestyle today consists of feeding on low fiber food that easily stick to the walls of the digestive track and when they stick for a long period of time, they decay and become a good breading ground for all the harmful bacteria and viruses. Picture a paste of bread made from processed white flour or a poorly cooked or late night meat sticking to the walls of your digestive track roundabout like you see in an old cut water pipe. So when ever you eat poorly prepared food, they bring in the bacteria and viruses to breed. And when the blood comes to pick nutrition it picks them as well, then straight to the liver to be filtered. And do you know that the breeding ground continue to stand as a constant supply of parasitic bacteria viruses and toxins to the blood, liver and the entire body? The many reasons why you get persistent typhoid fever, blood allergies, skin issues, digestive ills and liver problems.
How to eliminate and prevent this buildup is what we will be discussing next. Keep a date.